Hello Confident Butterflies,
Today is all about pushing yourself to keep going even if it takes everything in your body to get there. I keep hearing the phrase “feed your soul” over and over
again. I say it quite often to others but now that I hear it coming from other
people, it's making me wonder about the goals I’ve made this year and why I
haven’t been dedicated to achieving them to my fullest potential. Now is our chance to figure out if our soul is being nurtured and one way to do this is with these very simple tips.
We can all do amazing things if we dedicated our full
attention to one thing at a time. I have always believed in this method but was
never really sure if I could master it. I remember back in grade school my
teachers would tell me to multi task to get things done before the end of the
day but I never really saw the effectiveness in doing that. I have found that
my most successful moments have been times when I have fully dedicated myself to
just ONE task.
This next tip is
new to me so we are in this together! I just woke up one day needing an extra
push and decided that it was time to hit the ground running…again. It’s often hard
to stay on track and we can blame it on work, school or anything else that
happens to be taking up most of our time but we know exactly what the cause is…lack
of motivation. So I started to remind myself why I set certain goals in the first
place. I just jot down a few things in the morning that truly makes a difference in
my productivity level and can do the same for you so here's what you do,
Write down a goal and next to it jot down a sentence or
two stating why you want to achieve this. For example, if your goal is to learn
a new language, write down a specific reason why this is so important to you; you may be visiting another country and want to be able to get the full experience.
The point of this exercise is to make you feel inspired all over again. Sometimes
I don’t have time to sit down and reflect so this is perfect because as you're
writing down your checklist for the day you can fit it in there. It can look
something like this:
1. Deposit
2. Call
to confirm Mom’s Birthday gift order
3. Gym
(I want to look and feel amazing. I want to worry less about feeling sick after
a meal and enjoy what I eat. I would also love to fit nicely in my bridesmaid
dress in 6 months)
4. Pedicure
at 3:00pm (I want to start treating myself to nice things. Self-care is more
important to me than anything because when I take care of myself I always feel
more balanced)
5. Yoga (Stay on top of this! Every time I do it, my back feels better and I feel more
relaxed. I do not want to lose this feeling)
This is literally all there is to it!! I hope that this helps
you move forward and believe that you can find even just an ounce of motivation
to get you through it.